Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 5

Even the MPs and Lords are taking part........ ! Check it out at 24 mins:

Hurrah!!!!!!!! Day 5 has arrived!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow I will be able to eat what I want .........!!!!!!

Rebecca's midnight feast will consists of: mini eggs, cherry tomatoes and a bowl of cereal.
Mine: nooodleeeees


Porridge with honey made by Rebecca. She really is skilled in porridge making! We haven't finished the bag of porridge oats so we'll finishing it up in the next couple of days so as not to waste food!


Couscous with fried onion and.. carrots! Very bland but at least it feels me up! Rebecca's got pretty sick of couscous and carrots so she's sticking to porridge for today.


We used up what was left: 4 carrots, half an oni
on, 2 stock cubes, rice, kidney beans and my housemate was going to chuck away 2 old lemons so we used those too (bit of an error!). So I made a lemony kidney bean and carrot type stew with plain rice. It was SO lemony......not that enjoyable.

BUT ............. we're done! We have SUCCESSFULLY finished our Live Below the
Line challenge... £1 a day for 5 days.

Who would have thought it..... biggest foodies ever joining together to raise awareness about a serious cause and sacrificing their love for food for 5 days.


As always,

La Loca

1 comment:

  1. hahaha at the lemon fail. well done sister
